Saturn leaves Leo, enters Virgo & Sade Sati Report
Posted: 08 Sep 2009 12:05 PM PDT
Today on 9th September, Saturn will leave Leo sign (Simha Rashi) around 12:00 midnight IST and will enter in Virgo sign (Kanya Rashi). Saturn is a slowest moving planet among nine planets and hence its sign change is considered important from astrological perspective. Change of sign will have impact both on individuals as well as on nations. Leo is a sign of Sun which was unfriendly to Saturn and hence some astrologers believed that disturbances and recession in past two years were due to Saturn's presence in Leo. Now Saturn is entering into Virgo which is owned by Mercury who is friendly to Saturn and hence astrologers are expecting a better time ahead.
Saturn is called Shani in Sanskrit and is the most fearsome planets in astrology. Saturn also causes Sade Sati (seven and half year period) which people believe inauspicious and fear a lot. Saturn entering in Virgo also means that people having Cancer moon sign will not be under influence of Shani Sade Sati (seven and half year period of Saturn) now onwards. On the other side, Shani Sade Sati will start for the people having Libra (Tula) as Moon sign. So with Saturn being in Virgo, people having Leo, Virgo and Libra will be under influence of Sade Sati.
Truly speaking, there is nothing to fear about Shani Sade Sati and I have written a detailed article about Shani Sade Sati. Please read to understand and know more about Shani Sade Sati.
Finally the most important point for which I am writing this article - we are tomorrow announcing Sade Sati report on So please visit for a detailed Sade Sati report for the whole life. I am also hoping that the same report will also be availble on in Hindi language.
Dear Friends, Welcome to astro bhrigu vision. you can find the solutions of all your horoscope related problems. you can visit to my website my website address is I hope i will be able to solve all ur quires. Regards. Acharya Sidharth vyas
About Me
- sidharth vyas
- I am Sidharth vyas and I write this blog. People call me "Hi-Tech Astrologer" or "Digital Age Astrologer" because of my extensive usage of technology in astrology. I strongly believe that accuracy in astrological predictions can only be achieved if we make proper use of technology in astrology. My interest in astrology my inclination towards Vedic Jyotish, Vastu ,Vedic KarmKand / pooja and Tantra etc. was very much natural as I am a Bhrigu (remember famous Bhrigu Samhita?) vamshiya Brahmin and my forefathers were also astrologers. I studied various systems of astrology including Parashari, Jaimini, Tajik, Western, Krishnamurthi and Vastu , and found all these systems wonderful. I worked as 'Associate Editor' for what's facts of retrograde planets in our life . I am acharya'Jyotish Visharad', though personally. I have also studied astronomy and mathematical astrology and that is the reason I contributed many astrology sit the most popular Vedic astrology website. I am also behind some of the biggest astrology communities on Internet like KP Astrology & vastu, Lal Kitab communities.