Dear Friends, Welcome to astro bhrigu vision. you can find the solutions of all your horoscope related problems. you can visit to my website my website address is I hope i will be able to solve all ur quires. Regards. Acharya Sidharth vyas
About Me
- sidharth vyas
- I am Sidharth vyas and I write this blog. People call me "Hi-Tech Astrologer" or "Digital Age Astrologer" because of my extensive usage of technology in astrology. I strongly believe that accuracy in astrological predictions can only be achieved if we make proper use of technology in astrology. My interest in astrology my inclination towards Vedic Jyotish, Vastu ,Vedic KarmKand / pooja and Tantra etc. was very much natural as I am a Bhrigu (remember famous Bhrigu Samhita?) vamshiya Brahmin and my forefathers were also astrologers. I studied various systems of astrology including Parashari, Jaimini, Tajik, Western, Krishnamurthi and Vastu , and found all these systems wonderful. I worked as 'Associate Editor' for what's facts of retrograde planets in our life . I am acharya'Jyotish Visharad', though personally. I have also studied astronomy and mathematical astrology and that is the reason I contributed many astrology sit the most popular Vedic astrology website. I am also behind some of the biggest astrology communities on Internet like KP Astrology & vastu, Lal Kitab communities.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Nadi Astrology
About Nadi Astrology /Thumb Impressions |
Nadi in Sanskrit means the pulse, the subtle channels in the body, a division of time (24 minutes). In Tamil, the language of Tamil Nadu, Nadi means in search of. To be in search of the past, the reason of existence, to search the roots and essence of the past. In Yoga and Ayurveda, Nadi are the subtle channels that give message to the different parts of the body plus the Ida, Pingala and Sushumna nadi. Grantha is a great book of knowledge. Nadi Granthas or the great books of subtle knowledge, are recordings of the Sapta Rishi. Sapta means seven and Rishi means Sages. Brahma conceived the Seven Great Sages out of his mind to help in his creation of the world. They were Bhrigu, Angira, Atri, Vishvamitra, Kashyapa, Vashishta, and Agastya. They knew the key to creation and the destiny of each and every individual born and yet to be born. What is their purpose? Why they were born? What karma they bring into their life? These Granthas were not written as predictions but as records of life and information on secret knowledge. This knowledge was not restricted to astrology alone but to other subjects including Science, Ayurveda, Yoga, Spirituality, Alchemy, Occult and Jyotisha. Their thoughts and knowledge was passed down orally from one generation to another and then finally written down on palm leafs. They were originally in Sanskrit but they also got translated into Tamil, Telegu, Malayalam and other regional languages. A collection of palm leafs become one chapter within a Granthas. So a complete Grantha could be many thousands of palm leafs. The Nadis are equivalent to books today. The only difference is that Nadis are only filled with profound knowledge and the keys to existence on all levels- practical, spiritual and subtle. The knowledge within these Nadis is pure and profound. The mind of the interpreter may not be able to grasp the great information that the Sages are trying to impart and therefore bring the reading down to a more material level. Some are not complete due to the loss or destruction of the leaves. Each of rishis has a Grantha from which his knowledge is dispersed. These Granthas include Agastya nadi, Brighu nadi, Brahma nadi, Shiva nadi, Kaushika nadi ( Vishwamitra) etc. The nadi reader traditionally follows the writings on just one of the great rishis The records were kept in many libraries in ancient India. For centuries few realized the importance of these records and the nadi manuscripts were left to rot. Under the patronage of the Chola Dynasty that ruled South India from 10th to 13th Century AD, the leafs were classified and kept in the library of Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu. Other kings around India also helped in the preservation of these Nadi granthas as well. Many of these leafs were destroyed by the invading armies of the Mughals and the British. While the Mughals asked them to be burnt, British took numerous Nadi back to Britain but they sold most connected to astrology. Valluvar community from Vaitheeswaran Koil in Tamil Nadu chiefly bought there. This is why most of the Nadis today are connected to astrology. Each Nadi in Tamil Nadu is made up of ola or palm leaf, written in Vatta ezhuthu, a Tamil script, with a sharp, pen like instrument called ezhuthani. Rubbing peacock oil on auspicious occasions preserves the palm leaves. Peacock is also the vehicle for Murughun (Mars). So the subtle hint is that the great Lord Murughun helps preserve and protect this ancient knowledge. This is why there are so many Nadi readers outside one of Mars’s main places of power in Vaitheeswaran Koil. There are other centre of Nadis. In Hoshiarpur, Punjab, a family og Bhrigu nadi readers are found. The Granthas of Nadi Jyotisha There are many texts of Nadi Jyotisha. Some give obscure and often secret techniques of Vedic Astrology. They give the key to precise interpretation. Among them include Bhrighu Nandi nadi, Bhrighu nadi, Chandra Kala Nadi, Sapta Rishi Nadi etc. The Nadi readers are not astrologers but decoders of ancient scriptures. All they are doing is deciphering the data. His skills are limited to reading what is written. If the nadi leafs are incomplete or he has not found the right nadi or the time is not correct for you, then this information cannot be right. In fact the time has to be right for the individual to get the right nadi. This information is very precious and not everyone is ready to receive it. This is the reason so many get the wrong or incomplete information. The Rishis had only wanted those who were ready to receive information, to get it. In essence it is not the fault of the Nadi or the reader if you do not get the right information that chronicles the past, present and future. Nadi reader tries to find the right Nadi by taking the thumb impression. According to the Nadi Granthas there are 1008 types of thumb impressions and these will narrow down the batch of Nadis where the story of your life is told. The impression of the right thumb for men and the left one for women is taken. The thumbprint has to match the particular batch of palm leafs for the reading to take place. Despite the claims of the nadi readers, it is impossible to find the right nadi for everyone. The Kandams Kandam 1- similar to the first house or ascendant. This will contain namesThese Jyotish Nadis Granthas divide the information on each individual life into sixteen chapters or kandams. Each chapter shows various aspects of life similar to the horoscope and its twelve houses. But there are added kandams, which are the real key of the Nadi reading. The details covered in each Kandam generally are as follows:- parents and wife/husband's, brothers, sisters, maternal uncles, children, profession and general list of future predictions for all the 12 houses. Kandam 2 – similar to second house. Money ,family speech, eyes, education, vision Kandam 3 - similar to third house. Brothers and Sisters Kandam 4 - similar to fourth house. Mother ,House, Lands, Vehicles, Happiness Kandam 5 - similar to fifth house. Children, birth of children, reasons for not having children, creativity Kandam 6 - similar to sixth house. Enemies, Diseases, Debts, cases in court. Kandam 7 - similar to seventh house. Marriage, Married life, problems nad blessing from marriage. Kandam 8 - similar to eighth house. Danger to life, longevity, period of death. Kandam 9 - similar to ninth house. Father, Wealth, luck, Temple, spirituality, devotion to God and Guru Kandam 10 - similar to tenth house. Business, Job, Profession, success Kandam 11 - similar to eleventh house. Profit, money, gain, second Marriage. Kandam 12 - similar to Twelfth house. Expenditure, loss, Foreign travel, moksha, self realisation, next birth. After the twelve kandams that relate to the twelve astrology houses, there come special chapters that deal with additional aspects of life. Kandam 13 - Shanti Kandam – Shanti means peace. This chapters deals with pacifying the past life issues, past karma and last birth. The remedial measures that need to be done in order to calm the negative karma. This is the most important Kandam. By rectifying the past life allows us to live in the present with happiness and peace. But this is also the Kandam people have the greatest problem with, as it is open to abuse by the unscrupulous Nadi practitioners. Do remember that not all Nadi Readers are corrupt and unscrupulous. They usually are very dharmic following their family tradition faithfully. As rectifying the past life is essential to move forward, it does not have to be done through expensive pujas and rituals if the individual cannot afford them. TheRishis could not have thought that only the wealthy who can afford these rituals, would the only ones who are relieved of their past karmas. This cannot be right. But the onus falls on the individual to make effort to clear his wrong karma once they gets aware of the issues they have collected in the past. It is important to appeasement the deities and work with the remedies. Without working with this essential aspect of the Nadi reading, there is unlikely to bring any lasting benefit. While the other kandams give knowledge of past life and what is going to happen now. We are not able to enjoy the future properly without sorting out the baggage of past karma. Kandam 14 – Diksha Kandam- Diksha means initiation. Here it refers to initiation into secret knowledge that allows the deeper world to develop through the use of the right mantras and the right protection. To get the right diksha, the individual has to be willing to clear the past karma revealed in the shanti kandam. Kandam 15 – Aushadha kandam. Aushadha means herbs, in this case medicine. This kandam deals with health and healing. Kandam 16 - Dasa Bhukti kandam. This Kandam 16- Dasa Bhukti kandam. This is Nadi version of the dasa and bhuktis for life. In addition to these, there is also a special chapter for Prasna. The reader answers the questions from what is written by the Rishis. The nadi reader does not give these answers through traditional prashna astrology. What one must understand it that Nadi is a very ancient science. And it should not be misused. Only those with a great desire to know their past and future should go, with the right attitude and devotion. Otherwise it is not possible for them to receive the good results. Also if you do go to the home of Nadi in Vaitheshwaran or to a good Nadi reader elsewhere and do not receive the right reading, then it is also part of your karma too. Don’t blame the reader. The time may not have been right for you as yet. You may have to try again at a later date. |
Raahu Kaal |
MONDAY……07:30 TO 09:00 TUE…………..15:00 TO 16:30 WED………….12:00 TO 13:30 THU…………..13:30 TO 15:00 FRI……………10:30 TO 12:00 SAT……………09:00 TO 10:30 SUN……………16:30 TO 18:00 |
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Monday, August 16, 2010
stone remedies and how to wear stones
How to wear the stone To obtain the full benefic effects of the stone, wear it when Moon is within a specific constellation on a specified day and time. Wearing it in the specified Nakshatra (star) enhances the benefic effects of the stone. Take the stone of a size specified or greater, in fraction of 1/4 Ratti, rejecting fractions of 3/4 Ratti. Get it studded in the specified metal such that it touches the finger from the bottom. Before wearing it light a lamp and incense sticks and meditate on your God. Clean the ring in fresh milk and then Ganga water. Perform pooja and recite the specified Mantra 108 or 1008 times. Then wear the stone in the specified finger of your right hand. After wearing the ring give alms as specified for that stone. If you are already wearing a stone then avoid wearing a contradictory stone to the specific stone worn previously. A proper judgement of all the planets at birth is crucial in deciding which gem stone can be worn favourably and which stones have to be avoided. A wrong judgement can play havoc and prove harmful. | ||||||||||||||||||||
Types of Gems & their characteristics : | ||||||||||||||||||||
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RUBY Ruby is the stone of the Sun, and wearing of Ruby will protect the native from harmful effects of Sun's afflictions. Ruby is in red color, yellow color, violet mixed red color and in rose color. Ruby will protect one from ill health and grant success in administrative fields, freedom from enemies, debts and diseases. It ensures a long life and promotes independence . Ruby is a gemstone of the corundum family and is attractive because of its brilliance, if it is crystal clear and transparent. It is found in a variety of crimson and scarlet red colors ranging from pink to a deep ruddy violet color. It has the smooth and delicate luster of clarified butter. The finest quality ruby has a delicate rose color, similar to the eye of a living cuckoo. Signs of well-placed Gemstone
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PEARL Pearl is the stone of the Moon and wearing of Pearl will protect the native from harmful effects of Moon afflictions. Pearls are available in many colors, but of all the colors, white and red coloured pearls are the best. Round pearls are superior. Flat type pearls should never be worn. Wearing of pearl helps the native get freedom from mental disturbances, happiness from mother, success in educational fields and ensures good health, long life and improves finances. It cures mental disorders, gastric disorders, asthma, breathing troubles and lung disorders. Formation of a pearl inside a pearl oyster occurs because of the presence of foreign material inside the body of the oyster. To save itself from the undesired material the mollusk coats the object with layer after layer of nacre. It takes many years for a mollusk to produce a pearl of substantial size. The process through which the pearls are formed inside the body of the mollusk is very delicate, and a little disturbance at any stage of development of a pearl can influence its shape and lustre. The finest pearl is that which has no foreign matter in its core. Pearls are obtained from eight sources, which are Sky Pearl, Cobra Pearl, Signs of well-placed Gemstone
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EMERALD Emerald is ruled by Mercury. This is a beautiful velvety green colored stone. The Emerald with a deep velvet green to grass green color, radiant, smooth, transparent and with bright rays is the best and most auspicious Gem. Emerald helps in acquiring wealth and the native would be blessed with children, intelligence, good health, wealth, longevity, lands and prosperity, domestic happiness and an obstruction free life. It brings advancement in profession, name, fame and honour. It cures eye diseases, controls B.P. and nervous disord | ||||||||||||||||||||
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DIAMONDS Diamond is ruled by Venus. Diamonds are white, blue, red and black colored. It ensures longevity and advancement in life. It can bless the native with children, happiness, intelligence, name, fame and good fortune. It ensures abundant wealth and success in all ventures. It cures the diseases of kidney and reproductive organs. It drives away evil spirits and bad effects of evil eyes. It ensures happy married life, possession of jewellery and ornaments, rich dress, conveyances, comfortable house an d birth of good children. Most attractive to the eyes, the diamond is famous for its play of colors. It emits a very delicate bluish, reddish, or a mixture of blue and red radiance of glittering lustre when exposed to light. The gem is luminous and dazzling, and emits sparks of light. A fine diamond is effulgent, radiant, and delightful. It is as soothing to the eyes as the Moon; it is lovely and magnificent and has the self-luminous quality of a clear crystal. It is brilliant and radiates rainbows of light all around. Ancient Hindu scriptures mention eight types of diamonds. They are Hanspati, Kamlapati, Vasanti, Vajraneel, Vanaspati, Sbyamvajra, Telia, and Sanloyi. Click the properties below for more info. | ||||||||||||||||||||
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RED CORAL Red coral is ruled by Mars. As the name suggests, this Gem is generally of red color. It may even be of orange red color. Red coral will bestow good health, longevity, courage, name, fame and happiness. The native would be blessed with children, intelligence, good fortune and success in professional life. It would also grant land and property, domestic harmony and gain of wealth. It cures all kinds of mental diseases, physical diseases and difficulties. It saves one from natural calamities like thunder, floods and fires. Its use also helps in removing impediments that could be delaying one's marriage. Woman with history of abortion should wear this for successful delivery. Coral is a calcareous, skeleton-like deposit of the coral polyp- a tiny invertebrate that dwells in quiet waters and is found at depths ranging from 20 to 1,000 feet. The color of coral depends on the depth at which it is found - below 160 feet its color is light. The best-colored corals are found between depths of 100 and 160 feet. It is found in many shades of red and pink. The color usually ranges from white to pink to vermilion red and deep scarlet. Corals of yellow ocher, cream, chocolate and black color are also available. A good coral that is related to the planet Mars and recommended by astrologers, gem therapists and jewelers is a deep red coral, which resembles well-ripened bimb fruit or an unripe cherry. Signs of well-placed Gemstone
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Paralysis, asthma, rheumatisms, teeth problems, bones problems. The blue sapphire is a gem of the corundum family. Sometimes white sapphires, rubies, and blue sapphires are found in the same mine, and that is why there is a mixture of colors in the crystals of these gems. Ruby is harder than white sapphire (known as pukhraj), and blue sapphire is harder than ruby and it is hardest of all. | ||||||||||||||||||||
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GOMEDA Gomeda is the Gem Stone of Rahu. It's color varies from red, smoky to honey color. Use of Gomeda will bestow good health, victory over enemies and bring wealth and prosperity to its owner. It cures diseases, gives knowledge and intelligence. It promotes good education and ensures improvement in the profession. Native's business will flourish. The adverse effects caused by evil also vanish. One gets quite active by wearing Gomeda and gets promotion in the service. It can give unexpected wealth to its wearer. It bestows a very happy life, and the enmity of relatives disappears. Evil spirits go away. It ensures sound sleep a
Cancer, fears, phobias, undiagnosable illnesses, poisons A good-quality hessonite, the gemstone of Rahu, is one that reflects a nice honey color. Zircon has a considerable range of colors and is found in red, blue, green, yellow, orange, and brown shades. Blue and green hessonite or the white colorless variety of hessonite is not associated with Rahu. A pure and transparent hessonite having a delicate hue, brilliance, lustre, and uniform color neutralizes the evil effects of Rahu, and if Rahu is well posited it gives beneficial results during its major period and sub-periods, removes fear, creates clarity of mind, and helps spiritual growth. | ||||||||||||||||||||
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CAT'S EYE Cat's Eye is Gem Stone of Ketu. This is yellowish or blackish in color. Inside there is a shining band which moves when the stone is turned. This is a quick action Gem and restores lost wealth. Poverty and diseases vanish. It ensures victory over enemies and protection from enemies. By wearing a Cat's eye one is be attracted by others. It grants philosophical disposition and activity of the mind. The native gets name, fame and wealth. He becomes calm and his anger disappears. He receives the help of relatives and friends. Enemies may bow to him. It works successfully in getting back the loan money too . It is an aluminate of beryllium - a mixture of aluminum and beryllium - having traces of oxide of iron and chromium, which serve as coloring agents and give it brownish and greenish tinges. It has a chatoyant glowing from inside like the eye of a cat and having white fibers. The brighter the fiber, the higher is the quality of the gem. Cat's-eye has a silky streak of light that moves with the turning of the stone like a gleam in a straight line across the stone. Click the properties below for more info. It ensures the welfare of children. Childless person may be blessed with childeren. It protects from accidents, pimples and skin diseases. It ensures quick marriage. |
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Venus Retro.
In mythology, Andromeda, a beautiful Ethiopian princess, was the daughter of Phoenican king Cepheus and his queen Cassiopia. Cassiopia was so proud of her daughter's beauty that she boasted that not even the divine nymphs, daughters of Neptune, could hold a candle to her! Ooops. The nyphs (Nereids) complained to Neptune, who naturally enough sent the sea-monster Cetus to ravage the vain queen's coastline. After consultation with an oracle, Andromeda was then chained to a rock by her parents as a virgin sacrifice to the ravaging sea-monster. Fortunately, she was saved by the hero Perseus, the Gorgon-slayer, who, arriving on his winged sandals in the nick of time, turned the sea-monster to stone with the Gorgon's Head and married the princess. Just as it should be, really. Alpheratz is a star of the nature of Venus, awakening grace, popularity, independence, and honours, so the retrograde Venus phase this year is likely in some ways at least to be more pleasant than it was last time! But read on, dear reader, as there's more to be said...The fixed stars form patterns in the heavens that are called constellations. Constellations are not the same as Signs of the Zodiac, though some of them bear the same names, because in times gone long by, the signs coincided with the constellations of the same name. This is because of the phenomenon known as the precession of the equinoxes, whereby the stars in the Sidereal Zodiac move backwards with regard to the Vernal Point, which is always the first degree of Aries in the Tropical Zodiac. Andromeda is an important constellation, but not a Sign of the Zodiac.
Fraught with Seriousness
Over these weeks even the most casual interactions tend to become fraught with seriousness, intended or not. Female relationships, partnership and other alliance, and joint ventures of any kind fit this pattern. Older or more mature people seem especially interesting. More structure and seriousness imposed on relationships can mean more stability and commitment. Artistic endeavours should become more focused and organized, though originality and imagination can suffer from the tendency to stick to tradition or whatever methods or patterns you know best. This is not the best time for beauty treatments, cosmetic surgery, or redecorating projects. Social gestures and diplomacy are likely to be self-serving.A planet is described as retrograde when it appears to be moving backwards through the zodiac. This traditional concept arises in the illusory planetary motion created by the orbital rotation of the earth, with relation to other planets in our solar system. Planets are never actually retrograde or stationary, they just seem that way, due to this optical illusion. Click here for more on the science of retrograde planetary motion.
This article explains retrograde motion and outlines the retrograde periods for the planets as they dance through our cosmos in 2010. There are links to our main retrograde motion articles, which cover the actual meanings of the retrograde phases of the personal planets, as well as the effects of the annual movement of the two Great Chronocrators, Jupiter and Saturn.
A planet is described as retrograde when it appears to be moving backwards through the zodiac. This traditional concept arises in the illusory planetary motion created by the orbital rotation of the earth, with relation to other planets in our solar system. It's a bit like travelling on the road watching another car beside you: when the other car slows down, or you speed up, it looks as though the other car is moving backwards. So planets are never actually retrograde or stationary, they just seem that way, due to this optical illusion. Click here for more on the science of retrograde planetary motion.
Retrograde periods, although often problematic for us earthlings, are not particularly uncommon. Each planet retrogrades, except the Sun and Moon. As a rule, retrograde planets presage a period of seemingly inevitable or fated events, which relate to their sphere of influence. In particular, issues from the past that have not been resolved tend to reappear in order to demand resolution, so we can move on. Retro phases also present us with a series of events over which we seem to have little or no control, relating especially to the sign in which the retrogradation occurs. For example, transiting Jupiter retrograde in Aries presents quite different sets of circumstances from those generated when it retrogrades into
A planet is described as retrograde when it appears to be moving backwards through the zodiac. This traditional concept arises in the illusory planetary motion created by the orbital rotation of the earth, with relation to other planets in our solar system. It's a bit like travelling on the road watching another car beside you: when the other car slows down, or you speed up, it looks as though the other car is moving backwards. So planets are never actually retrograde or stationary, they just seem that way, due to this optical illusion. Click here for more on the science of retrograde planetary motion.
Retrograde periods, although often problematic for us earthlings, are not particularly uncommon. Each planet retrogrades, except the Sun and Moon. As a rule, retrograde planets presage a period of seemingly inevitable or fated events, which relate to their sphere of influence. In particular, issues from the past that have not been resolved tend to reappear in order to demand resolution, so we can move on. Retro phases also present us with a series of events over which we seem to have little or no control, relating especially to the sign in which the retrogradation occurs. For example, transiting Jupiter retrograde in Aries presents quite different sets of circumstances from those generated when it retrogrades into
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Vastu Shashta
Vaastu Shastra | ||
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These five elements are as under: 1. EARTH 2. WIND 3. LIGHT 4. ENERGY 5. AIR Our body is made of these five elements and therefore in this whole process vastushastra has been very much advantageous. Many people do not know this but when they come to know this they make changes in their houses at the cost of lots of money according to the advice of the vastushastri. Here is our humble attempt to make you know yourself the real and basic principles as well as all the directions, elements and proper planning. If necessary after making minor changes and getting natural gift, get the advantage of PEACE, PROSPERITY & HAPPINESS. Why vastu is necessary ? Vastu is the bridge between man and nature. Everything is made up of basic five elements – FIRE, WATER, EARTH, SPACE, and AIR. All These elements are only found on earth that is why it is the only planet that supports life and nature. If the residential and commercial buildings are constructed without any regards to these elements then how would it will give any benefits? From each of the basic elements we are getting a strange precious gift due to infinite powers of the universe. All materials in the world , irrespective of their size, shape , colour , physical or chemical compositions have embedded their origins from one of the Panchbhootas . They enjoy peculiar vibration levels, which are evading the intelligence of human beings. Vastu is in a position to reduce the gravity of the problems faced by human beings as well as industries particularly those suffering from sickness through vibrations of Panchbhootas, which has anchored their roots in the body of the human beings as well as the external and internal building configurations. | ||
Vastu Purusha | ||
Vastu Purusha is the god for construction of structures and buildings. Once upon a time, an unknown person came into existence and he obstructed the earth and the sky with his huge body. The Devtas suddenly caught the person and threw him below with his face down, and whichever part of the body of the person was held by different Devtas, the Devtas became presiding deities of that part of the body. The creator, Brahma, had made the person as “god of the house” - ‘Vastu Purusha.' There is another interesting story of Vastu Purusha in Matsya Purana. It narrates the birth of Vastu Purusha. In an encounter with a Rakshasa called Andhikasur, Lord Shiva became tired and exhausted, and he began to sweat profusely. A man was born out of the drops of Lord Shiva's sweat. He looked very cruel. He was very hungry and began to make penance to appease Lord Shiva and to get a boon from him. Lord Shiva was pleased with his penance and appeared before him. The devotee prayed to Lord Shiva, “Oh Lord! Please permit me to eat away all the three worlds.” Lord Shiva granted his prayer. He got possession of all the three worlds and was about to eat the terrestrial world. The celestial beings, Brahma, Shiva, and the demons were terrified and they caught hold of the devotee and encircled him. Forty-five deities caught hold of the devotee and pressed him down. This Devotee has been in that position ever since that time. Lord Brahma blessed him and said that he would be the deity of all the plots and constructions, and offerings would be made to him. In return Vastu Purusha is said to be taking care of the inmates of the building Vaastu is the more authorities and detailed counterpart of KALPURUSH. This branch of astrology does not do any predictive work but helps you to harness the nature's energy by letting the air, sunlight, water, fire and earth into your life from the RIGHT DIRECTION and in the RIGHT QUANTITY. According to VAASTU SHASTRA (The study of architecture) every kind of building / apartment has different directions which are favorable / unfavorable. Buildings / Apartments with good Vaastu have healthy, happy and prosperous owners. Whereas places with negative Vaastu energy will have losses, ill health, ill repute, hurdles etc. | ||
There are prescribed directions / placements for all kind of settings in a built up structure. Some of the examples are:- 1.Direction for the Main Door (AIR) 2.Direction for the Portico. (AIR) 3.Placement for the Kitchen (FIRE) 4.Placement for Storage Water / Bathroom (WATER) 5.Placement of Place of Worship (LIGHT) 6.Placement of owners Bedroom / Office (EARTH) 7.Storage Area / Dark Area (EARTH) 8.Garden & Plants (EARTH) | ||
Same principles are worked out in case of FACTORIES, OFFICES, INSTITUTIONS, ETC. The science of Vaastu does not only tell the CORRECT placement but also the ways to RECTIFY the PROPERTY WITH ILL INFLUENCES OF VAASTU. For example a SOUTH FACING house is not recommended for the purpose of living BUT if we make an ENTERANCE ON THE EASTERN END OF THE SOUTH PORTION the ill effect will VANISH. Your most important tool is a MAGNETIC COMPASS, which will tell you the basic directions of all the places in your property. YOU CAN USE THE HELP OF VAASTU SHASTRA IN THE FOLLOWING CIRCUMSTANCES: - TO FIND THE CORRECT METHOD OF USING A MAGNETIC COMPASS - Read Instruction 1.In case of purchases of new property / renting of new property whether personal or commercial. 2.In case you are facing problems / hurdles round about the time you moved into the new place. 3.Find out your potential if you make your old house Vaastu compliant with minimum changes. 4.In case there is lack of harmony at home / work in spite of all other factors being favourable. |
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Friday, February 12, 2010
The retrograde period is best seen as a cycle, beginning when Mars begins to slow to a halt before travelling backwards through the zodiac, and ending when he returns to the point where he first paused. However, during the cycle, the planetary energy is most powerful – and more likely to generate critical events of universal importance – when Mars makes a station, appearing motionless in the sky. These stationary periods occur at the beginning of the cycle (when Mars first halts as he prepares to move backwards) and midway through the cycle when Mars slows to a stop before moving forward again. It is worth noting that retrograde periods only occur when Mars is physically closest to the Earth, glowing balefully in the sky! With Mars so close, no wonder we are so affected!
In general, Mars, the god of warriors, rules physical energy and efforts. His placement in your chart expresses the strength and direction of the physical force that drives your ego, your will to achieve. Mars fires your emotions and energizes your passions, but also powers your mental endeavours and communicative skills.
Mars describes male relation and associations, risk-taking inclinations, and the physical challenges you are likely to encounter. Well-placed, Mars endows powerful energy and an indomitable will to succeed, but when poorly placed can mean accidents, injuries, fits of anger, rage, warfare or other forms of violence, according to the inclinations of the sign and house concerned.
Mars retrograde gives rise to irrational action; introspection; and self-assessment; sexual issues and relationship conflicts. Major rethinks and reorientation of current projects are also often required.
Mars describes male relation and associations, risk-taking inclinations, and the physical challenges you are likely to encounter. Well-placed, Mars endows powerful energy and an indomitable will to succeed, but when poorly placed can mean accidents, injuries, fits of anger, rage, warfare or other forms of violence, according to the inclinations of the sign and house concerned.
Mars retrograde gives rise to irrational action; introspection;
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
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