This article explains retrograde motion and outlines the retrograde periods for the planets as they dance through our cosmos in 2010. There are links to our main retrograde motion articles, which cover the actual meanings of the retrograde phases of the personal planets, as well as the effects of the annual movement of the two Great Chronocrators, Jupiter and Saturn.
A planet is described as retrograde when it appears to be moving backwards through the zodiac. This traditional concept arises in the illusory planetary motion created by the orbital rotation of the earth, with relation to other planets in our solar system. It's a bit like travelling on the road watching another car beside you: when the other car slows down, or you speed up, it looks as though the other car is moving backwards. So planets are never actually retrograde or stationary, they just seem that way, due to this optical illusion. Click here for more on the science of retrograde planetary motion.
Retrograde periods, although often problematic for us earthlings, are not particularly uncommon. Each planet retrogrades, except the Sun and Moon. As a rule, retrograde planets presage a period of seemingly inevitable or fated events, which relate to their sphere of influence. In particular, issues from the past that have not been resolved tend to reappear in order to demand resolution, so we can move on. Retro phases also present us with a series of events over which we seem to have little or no control, relating especially to the sign in which the retrogradation occurs. For example, transiting Jupiter retrograde in Aries presents quite different sets of circumstances from those generated when it retrogrades into
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About Me
- sidharth vyas
- I am Sidharth vyas and I write this blog. People call me "Hi-Tech Astrologer" or "Digital Age Astrologer" because of my extensive usage of technology in astrology. I strongly believe that accuracy in astrological predictions can only be achieved if we make proper use of technology in astrology. My interest in astrology my inclination towards Vedic Jyotish, Vastu ,Vedic KarmKand / pooja and Tantra etc. was very much natural as I am a Bhrigu (remember famous Bhrigu Samhita?) vamshiya Brahmin and my forefathers were also astrologers. I studied various systems of astrology including Parashari, Jaimini, Tajik, Western, Krishnamurthi and Vastu , and found all these systems wonderful. I worked as 'Associate Editor' for what's facts of retrograde planets in our life . I am acharya'Jyotish Visharad', though personally. I have also studied astronomy and mathematical astrology and that is the reason I contributed many astrology sit the most popular Vedic astrology website. I am also behind some of the biggest astrology communities on Internet like KP Astrology & vastu, Lal Kitab communities.
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